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Enlightenment Transmissions from Beyond the Veil and Enlightenment Teachings

" When I was teaching Enlightenment and nonduality, this Frequency was received and translated into words. However, words can create filters or distortions, limiting the potential of the energy. The Awakening Transmission allows for the energy of True Nature, or what you are beyond the veil, to flow unmediated, unfiltered, without distortion, allowing one to experience it fully as It Is. "


“Beyond the Veil” refers to the boundless space of existence beyond the physical world - a realm of infinite possibility and potential. In this space, there are no limitations, no separation, and no filters of human perception - only the expansive truth of Oneness and infinite Love.

This space is free from the constraints of the physical body, of time, identity, and the narratives of the mind. It’s where your soul’s essence exists in its purest form, connected to All That Is. To access this space while still in a physical body is to awaken to the greater Reality of your being, allowing you to dissolve the densities of this incarnation and remember your infinite nature.

Through these transmissions, you are guided from this place, where deep healing, alignment, transformation and Awakening can occur.




Picture of Colette Davie

The Awakening  Transmission

The enlightenment teaching, but through energy.

This transmission channels high-vibrational Divine

Enlightenment energy from beyond the veil. It has an innate intelligence and knows exactly where to go to clear blockages to awakening, dissolve energetic density, and support your transformation, helping you experience your True Nature beyond separation.

Picture of Colette Davie


The Enlightenment teaching, but  through words.

Discover the True interconnected, non-separate nature of all things through specialised diagnoses and guidance.

Picture of Colette and Leon

Transmission & Reiki
Combination Session


Powerful meditation combining the power of Awakening energy and healing Reiki energy. Held in silence.

Held via Zoom.

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