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Enlightenment, Integration, and Insights from Beyond the Veil


Discovery of the interconnected nature of all things. Specialised focus on releasing the sense of separation felt within the body.


Guidance and support for those who have experienced an awakening who seek to embody and integrate the non-dual understanding into their daily lives.

Beyond the Veil

Sharing of unique knowledge on the nature of reality received from higher spiritual realms.


From an early age, I felt like an outsider, as if I didn't quite belong on Earth. The energies swirling around me were palpable, often overwhelming. At the age of three, my father introduced me to meditation. Twice a day, every day, we'd sit in quiet contemplation, laying the foundation for a journey that would shape my understanding of reality.

As a teenager, I was haunted by an existential dread, a sense that there was something fundamental about existence that eluded me. This feeling reached a crescendo one night, lying in the back of a pickup truck, when the infinite nature of existence washed over me in an inexplicable wave of knowing.

But it wasn't until a devastating breakup in my early twenties that I fully committed to the pursuit of enlightenment. The suffering I endured propelled me into an intense exploration of non-duality, leading to a radical shift in consciousness. The belief in a separate existence dissolved, revealing the deeper truth that permeates all of existence.

In the years that followed, I was introduced to the Ra (Law of One) material. Intrigued by the mysteries beyond the earthly veil, I delved into esoteric teachings and discovered an innate ability to connect with spiritual energies and entities, and to receive information regarding the nature of reality from spiritual realms. This connection opened up a new dimension of understanding, one that I would learn to balance with the non-dual realization experienced in years prior.

Today, I share my insights as a spiritual teacher, specializing in non-duality, enlightenment, post-enlightenment integration, and insight from higher realms. With unique knowledge derived from both my non-dual awakening and my experiences beyond the veil, I aim to bridge the gap between the field of non-duality and the esoteric realms.




I am a spiritual teacher dedicated to assisting individuals on their journey of personal and spiritual growth. However, I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. My guidance is not intended to replace professional therapy, counseling, or medical treatment. It's important to prioritize your well-being by seeking support from qualified professionals, especially for mental health concerns or trauma. Spiritual guidance can complement but not replace these modalities of healing. If you are in crisis, please seek immediate assistance from a qualified professional or emergency services. Booking a session with me implies that you agree with this.

Thank you for understanding.


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