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Book a private session

($50 USD for 1 hour of texting)

I currently offer text-based sessions via Facebook Messenger and Telegram.

During a texting session, we will connect on Facebook Messenger or Telegram, and you'll have my full attention throughout our conversation. You are also welcome to send voice notes.


I look forward to connecting with you.


Lots of love,




I am a spiritual teacher dedicated to assisting individuals on their journey of personal and spiritual growth. However, I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. My guidance is not intended to replace professional therapy, counseling, or medical treatment. It's important to prioritize your well-being by seeking support from qualified professionals, especially for mental health concerns or trauma. Spiritual guidance can complement but not replace these modalities of healing. If you are in crisis, please seek immediate assistance from a qualified professional or emergency services. Booking a session with me implies that you agree with this.

Thank you for understanding.


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