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My Approach

In the same way that my journey has unfolded via a multitude of diverse experiences, my approach to guiding others hopes to reflect the same holistic understanding. I know that as people, we seek Truth and enlightenment. But I also know that we have an inherent curiosity of the mystical. In my teachings, I aim to bridge both of these.

I bring a very personal perspective to my teachings, and often describe things as they have related to my path. I would like to believe that this demystifies enlightenment and the cosmic nature of reality, and makes it more relatable to those I talk to.

My approach is, of course, enriched by wisdom from both the enlightenment path and esoteric insights derived from my exploration beyond the earthly veil. By combining these teachings, I believe I offer a more comprehensive understanding of the workings of the nature of reality.




Central to my approach is the exploration of enlightenment—a journey toward the discovery of the interconnected nature of all things. Through specialized techniques and practices, I guide seekers in releasing the sense of separation felt within the body and the mind, unveiling the inherent unity that lies at the heart of existence.


Through experience, I have come to recognize the importance of integrating spiritual understanding into daily life. Whether navigating relationships, work, or personal growth, I offer practical support and guidance for embodying the non-dual and or esoteric understanding and intimately embracing the fullness of human experience with authenticity and humility.


As a bridge between the realms of non-duality and the esoteric, I invite seekers to explore the depths of consciousness and the mysteries of existence with courage and curiosity. Through intuitive guidance and communion with higher realms, I offer insights that I hope transcend conventional understanding.



I am a spiritual teacher dedicated to assisting individuals on their journey of personal and spiritual growth. However, I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. My guidance is not intended to replace professional therapy, counseling, or medical treatment. It's important to prioritize your well-being by seeking support from qualified professionals, especially for mental health concerns or trauma. Spiritual guidance can complement but not replace these modalities of healing. If you are in crisis, please seek immediate assistance from a qualified professional or emergency services. Booking a session with me implies that you agree with this.

Thank you for understanding.


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