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& Interviews

Here are a few of the interviews and podcasts I have done. I talk about enlightenment and non-duality, and experiences from beyond the veil.

After Awakening, I Started Channeling Beings
Endless Possibilities Podcast: April 2024

I recorded this podcast with Eva, and we spoke about my spiritual journey thus far and what I have learnt. I consider it a good overview of my view on spirituality, and it's one of the first talks I did after spending years integrating my awakening.

Feeling like an Alien and Seeking Oneness
The Nonduality Podcast - September 2023

I regularly appear as a guest on the Nonduality Podcast, but normally talk about non-duality. This was one of the first talks I did in which I mentioned channeling entities and connecting to higher spiritual realms amidst awakening. My more non-dual talks are also on their YouTube page.

The Law of One and Nonduality
The Nonduality Podcast - 2023

I recorded this podcast with Nic when I first began to conceptually bridge the gap between non-duality and channeled spiritual material.

Paradigmeless Shapeshifting
Simulation Series - April 2022

I recorded this podcast with Atlas when I was very newly awakened. The knowledge that I held at that time I would now consider incomplete. However, I still regard it as an important documentation of the process which has taken place.

The Only Way Out is Through
The Nonduality Podcast - August 2022

In one of her songs, my best friend Dewi touches on a profound idea: "God said let there be light and before, it was dark, so in the darkness, we're probably even closer to God." This lyric sparked a discussion about our relationship with suffering and the tendency to transcend it. In this episode, we explore the balance between rising above the human experience and fully immersing ourselves in it.

Finding the Unchanging in the Ever-Changeful
The Nonduality Podcast - 2023

Another one of the many talks I've had with Nic Higham. In this episode, Nic and I talk about how fixating on content leads leads to feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from our true nature. We discuss the power of attention in shaping our reality, encouraging a shift focus from the manifest to the formless. 



I am a spiritual teacher dedicated to assisting individuals on their journey of personal and spiritual growth. However, I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare professional. My guidance is not intended to replace professional therapy, counseling, or medical treatment. It's important to prioritize your well-being by seeking support from qualified professionals, especially for mental health concerns or trauma. Spiritual guidance can complement but not replace these modalities of healing. If you are in crisis, please seek immediate assistance from a qualified professional or emergency services. Booking a session with me implies that you agree with this.

Thank you for understanding.


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